


Rules and Regulations

Neuromodulation Society of India




Article I: Name and Domicile

The name of the Society shall be “Neuromodulation Society of India ” hereinafter called the “Society” and its activities shall extend to the whole of India.

Article II: Purpose and Objectives

The purposes and objectives of the Society shall be as follows:
1. To study the biological and biopsychosocial nature of human beings and the prevention and treatment of vicissitudes including behavioral disorders.

2. To promote assist, encourage and research into brain mapping and stimulation by various techniques for the better understanding of the brain and behavior of living beings including humans.

3. To promote TMS providers with extensive clinical and research experience from across the India and the rest of the world in a scientific way and develop novel indications for TMS, tDCS, VNS, DBS and other neuromodulation therapy in addition to increase public awareness of neuromodulation techniques.

4. To promote and advance the clinical practice of brain stimulation based on scientific research.

5. To promote national and international collaboration among professionals and societies in fields related to cognitive and behavioral neurology, neurosciences, biological psychiatry, brain stimulation and brain imaging.

6. To make the knowledge and practice of cognitive and behavioral neurology, neurosciences, neuropsychology, biological psychiatry, brain stimulation and brain imaging available for professionals in psychiatry and other related sciences and for the public by various methods ( e.g. scientific meetings, workshops, public lecture, mass media publications of related content etc.).

7. To extend consultations and carry out charitable and voluntary work for the furtherance of the objectives mentioned above.

8. To do all such things and matters that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.

Article II-A: Income, Assets and Expenditure

1. To fulfill its purposes and objectives, the Society may:
i. Receive funds as subscriptions, registration fees and donations and to accept endowments, trusts, awards, and gifts in cash or in kind and property whether movable or immovable and use them for the promotion and furtherance of the objectives of the Society.
ii. Acquire, hold, possess, mortgage, dispose of, sell, lease or exchange the movable and immovable property of the Society and construct or alter any building, it in the interest of the Society.
iii. The income and property of the Society, wheresoever derived from, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the Society.

Article III: Definitions

In this Constitution and the Bylaws:

1. “Society” shall mean the “Neuromodulation Society of India”.

2. Founding Chairs (non-elected life time members) Murali Rao, MD, FAPM, Prof & Chair, Department of Psychiatry, Loyola University Chicago and Nand Kumar, Professor of Psychiatry & Neuropsychiatry AIIMS, New Delhi.

3. “Member” shall be inclusive term embracing all categories of membership listed in Article IV. “Voting member” shall mean a Fellow of the Society. Wherever the article “he” has been mentioned, it shall also include “she”.

4. “Council” shall mean the Executive Council of the Neuromodulation Society of India.

5. “Physician” shall mean a registered medical practitioner under schedule I or II of schedule III of Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 or a person with any other recognized medical qualification which is considered equivalent to the above by the Council.

Article IV: Members

Section 1: There shall be the following categories of membership:

Founding Members: The members who have served to initiate the Society. They shall continue to be life members of the Society.

1. Fellows: Fellows shall be either (i) Physicians with 5 years of full time experience as such who have made a significant contribution to fields related to cognitive and behavioral neurology, neurosciences, biological psychiatry, brain stimulation and brain imaging OR (ii) Physicians with recognized postgraduate qualifications as considered by the Council, with 5 additional years of experience, who have made a significant contribution to fields related to cognitive and behavioral neurology, neurosciences, biological psychiatry, brain stimulation and brain imaging OR (iii) Professionals in fields related to mental health with either ten years of experience after a Master’s degree or five years of experience after obtaining Ph.D. degree or equivalent, who have made a significant contribution to the field of fields related to cognitive and behavioral neurology, neurosciences, biological psychiatry, brain stimulation and brain imaging.

2. Honorary Fellows: These are persons not eligible for Fellowship, who have done outstanding scientific and humanitarian work in fields related to cognitive and behavioral neurology, neurosciences, biological psychiatry, brain stimulation and brain imaging.

3. Corresponding Fellows: Eminent physicians or scientists of other countries who are well known for their contributions or services in the fields related to cognitive and behavioral neurology, neurosciences, biological psychiatry, brain stimulation and brain imaging would be eligible for becoming Corresponding Fellow.

4. Senior Members: Senior Members shall be defined as any member in good standing for five years or having attained the age of 65 years, whichever is later. A senior member would be exempted from membership fee on application on proper information to the Secretary-General.

5. Ordinary Members: An Ordinary Member is defined as any physician who is actively engaged in the pursuit of the aims and objectives of the Society.

6. Associate Members: Associate Members shall be the persons with some professional back-ground in areas allied to fields related to cognitive and behavioral neurology, neurosciences, biological psychiatry, brain stimulation and brain imaging who are interested in the aims and objectives of the Society.

7. Corporate Members: Voluntary societies whose aims and objects or work touches upon the subject of mental health shall be eligible for becoming Corporate Members.

Section 2: All members shall have the right to attend the annual conference and other scientific meetings, to receive a copy of the statement of accounts, annual reports and journal of the Society. Fellows, Ordinary Members, Associate Members and Corporate Members shall pay dues and assessments as determined by the Council.

Section 3: Only Fellows shall hold elected offices, serve in the Council or serve as Chairman of Constitutional and other committees.

Section 4: Only Fellows shall be eligible to vote in the election of office bearers and Council members, for amendment of the constitution and bylaws and in meetings of the General body.

Section5: Subscriptions: The life member shall pay the amount of Rs. 10,000/- in lump-sum to the society and will be entitled to caste the vote. The annual membership will be Rs 2000/year.

NOTE: Only the life member and the governing body members shall be eligible to caste the vote and to elect/or appoint the New Governing Body etc.

Article V: Executive Council

Section 1: Executive Council shall consist of 7-14 members; office-bearers named in article VI shall be ex-officio members of the Council. The founding chairs and immediate past-president and the immediate past-Secretary-General shall also be the members of Council. The members of the Council shall be elected by the eligible voting membership of the Society. The Council members other than the office-bearers shall each serve a term of two years and shall not be eligible for re-election immediately after the expiry of the term.

Henceforth, the annual Conference of the Society may be held once in a year and will be termed as Annual National Conference. The terms of the Office-bearers and the Executive Council Members are extended as under:
President and Vice President: Four years (two terms)
Secretary General, Editor and Treasurer: Four years (two terms)
Members of the Executive Council & Chairpersons and members of Constitutional Committees: Four years (two terms)

Section 2: The Council shall exercise all the powers of the Society that are not otherwise assigned. The responsibilities of the Council shall include:-

1. Interpreting the provisions of the Constitution and the Bylaws

2. Establishing dues and assessments for membership.

3. Controlling the funds of the Society and authorizing expenditure from the funds.

4. Administering special funds, grants and awards.

5. Allowing and withdrawing affiliation of other Organizations.

6. Authorizing, starting of a branch of the Society.

7. Appointing an Editor and Editorial Board for publications considered useful in carrying out the aims of the Society.

8. Appointing and employing professional auditors.

9. Appointing and approving all committees of the Society. Doing all other necessary things to carry the purposes of the Society not inconsistent with this constitution and its Bylaws, or with the decisions of the General Body.

Article VI: Officers

Section 1: The officers of the Society shall be a President, a President-elect, a Vice-President, a Secretary-General, a Treasurer and an Editor.

Section 2: All officers of the Society except the Editor shall be elected at the annual general elections by the eligible voting membership of the Society. The President and the Vice- President shall hold office for two years and shall not be eligible for re-election to the same office for the next two terms. The President elect shall be the President for the next term. The Treasurer and the Secretary-General shall each have a term of two years and shall be eligible for re-election, but shall not serve as such for more than two full terms.

Section 3: The President shall preside at all General meetings of the Society and at all meetings of the Council. He shall be the ex-officio member of Programme, Ethics, Elections and Constitution and Bylaws Committees and ex-officio Returning Officer. In absence of president , founding chair may act as president.

Section 4: The Vice-President shall perform the duties assigned or delegated to him by the President.

Section 5: The Secretary-General shall keep the records of the Society and perform all duties delegated to him by the Council and the Bylaws. He shall organize and convene all meeting and conferences. He shall present the annual report at the Annual General Body meeting. He shall be ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 6: The Treasurer or his authorized agent shall receive, disburse and account for all the funds of Society under the general direction of the Council. He shall submit a financial statement each year to the Council and to the General Body.


The bank account of the Society shall be operated by the Treasurer and any one out of the General Secretary and the President.

Section 7: If the President becomes unable to function because of absence or illness, the Vice-President shall act for the President. In the case of the resignation or death of the President, the Vice- President shall be the President for the remainder of the term.

Section 8: If the position of the President-elect becomes vacant during the term, the Vice-President shall serve as the President-elect and shall be President for the succeeding year.

Section 9: The Editor shall be nominated by the Council. He shall have a term of three years and shall be eligible for re-nomination. He shall be an ex-officio member of Journal and Programme Committee.

Section 10: Any officer can be removed from Office by a two thirds vote of the membership, following proper investigation and recommendations by the Council, after having been given an opportunity to state his case.

Article VII: Committees

There shall be the following constitutional committees to lead in achieving the mission of the Society:

 The Clinical Standard Committee: The Clinical Standards Committee will work on creating treatment guidelines for clinical practice and the treatment of various neuropsychiatric disorders. These guidelines cover patient selection, use of protocols, and the level of training and supervision required for administration of treatment. The Clinical Standards committee also takes the lead in developing and coordinating CME courses. These courses may be offered online in conjunction with accredited institutions and will incorporate hands-on training at specified locations.

Journal Committee: for publication of journal related to Neuromodulation.

Research Committee: Research Committee may focus on exciting new opportunity to create a society-wide database that pools all of our experiences together where members can easily share and access outcomes of various neuromodulation techniques. This committee may educate members on off-label uses of TMS through the Society website and reviews in the quarterly newsletter. The research committee will also rank the data and make recommendations for off-label uses of commonly used neuromodulation technologies.

The Education Committee: The Education Committee may focus on providing educational and training opportunities for clinicians, technicians, researchers, residents, and students centered on TMS, tDCS and other neuromodulation techniques. It is the goal of the Education Committee to increase awareness of neuromodulation techniques to expand the educational and training options through the society

Ethics Committee: The Ethics Committee will look after the ethical aspect of research and other related issues.

Constitution and Membership Committee: The membership committee is crucial for the Society’s growth. Committee members will advertise the value of the Society. Expansion of members includes all neuromodulation techniques providers in India and around the world using all devices. With the addition of new members, we will be able to continue the work in developing research, expanding coverage and promoting awareness of neuromodulation techniques.

Elections Committee: The election committee will plan and host the election meeting as per rules. 

Awards and Oration Committee: The committee will look after the various awards and oration initiated by the council of members.

All the committee will have chair and appointed members.

Each committee shall have a Chairman and at least five members all of whom shall be appointed by the council, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Council. The chairman and the members shall each serve a term of two years unless otherwise decided by the Council.

Article VIII: Annual Conference & General Body Meeting

Section 1: A general conference of the Society shall be held annually at such time and places as the Council shall determine. The Annual General Body meeting shall be held at the time and place of the annual conference. Thirty days’ notice shall be required for the Annual General Body Meeting.
Section 2: An extra-ordinary meeting of the General-body may be requisitioned for specific purposes either by the Council or by more than one third of voting members, with the permission of the President or founding chairs, at least one third of voting members shall constitute quorum for the meeting. Fifteen days’ notice of the meeting with agenda shall be given to members.

Article IX: Affiliations

Section 1: The Council can seek affiliation of the Society with any organization whose aims and objectives are similar/compatible to those of the Society.
Section 2: The Council may accord affiliation to any scientific and social organization with aims and goals compatible with those of the Society. The affiliated organizations shall pay dues as determined by the Council. The Council shall be competent to withdraw affiliation.
Section 3: The Society and the organizations with which it affiliates itself shall have neither claim to the assets of nor any responsibility in the liabilities of each other.

Article X: Amendments

Section 1: Proposals to amend the constitution may originate either:-

1. By a petition signed by 5 or more voting members OR
2. By a motion proposed by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

Section 2: Proposed amendments to the Constitution must be received by the Secretary General at least 60 days before the Annual General Body meeting.

Section 3: Each proposed amendment shall be considered at the Annual General Body meeting, and if approved by a majority of voting members shall be disseminated, in the form approved, to the entire voting membership. The proposed amendment shall be voted on by the eligible voting membership by secret postal ballot. All ballots must be received by the Returning Officer by a date determined by him.

Section 4: For an amendment to be adopted, ballots must be received from at least 40 percent of the eligible voting members and at least two-thirds of the ballots received must approve of the amendment. If adopted, the amendment shall become effective one month after the last date fixed for receipt of postal ballot.


Article I: Election of Members

1. Any person desirous of becoming a member shall make an application in the prescribed form. His name shall have been proposed and seconded by one Fellow each of the Society. He shall pay application fee fixed by the Council.
2. The application for membership shall be considered by the Council for election. The member, on election, shall pay admission fee and annual subscription determined by the Council and sign a declaration in the form “I hereby solemnly pledge that I shall promote the aims and objectives of the Neuromodulation Society of India to the best of my ability and shall abide by its constitution and bylaws,” after which he shall become a member. A member shall be deemed to have been a member since the date of his election by the Council.
3. Two fellows may propose any Honorary or Corresponding Fellowship. The Council may, at the Annual Council meeting, elect the person so proposed to Honorary or Corresponding Fellowship.
4. The yearly subscription shall become due on January 1st. A member shall forfeit all membership rights, if he does not pay it by 30th June. The membership rights shall be restored only on payment of all dues.

Article II: Termination of Membership & Reinstatement

1. The Council may delete from membership a person who for three consecutive years fails to pay dues in spite of a final notice regarding his dues from the Treasurer or the Secretary General.

2. The membership of any member may be terminated for other reasons which the Council may deem sufficient by votes of not less than two thirds of the Council members present at a special meeting called for this purpose or at the annual Council meeting. The member concerned shall have rights to explain his conduct and the Secretary-General shall acquaint all the members of the Council with his explanation. He shall have the right to appeal to the General Body if he so desires, but in this case he must inform the Secretary General of his desire to do so within a month of the receipt of the decision of the Council.

3. Person earlier elected may return to the Society only by being processed as a new member. However, he must disclose on the application that he had earlier been deleted, and if re-elected, in case of deletion on account of nonpayment of dues, he must pay all arrears or two years subscription in lieu of arrears.

Article III: The Executive Council

1. The Council shall meet at the time of the Annual Conference (this meeting shall be called the Annual Council Meeting) and at such other times as decided by the Secretary-General. Four members shall constitute the quorum for the Council meetings. The Secretary-General shall give twenty days notice of such meetings.

2. The decisions of the Council taken during the year shall be reviewed at the Annual Council meeting, when the Council may withdraw, rescind or modify any or all such decisions.Actions taken earlier on the basis of Council decision shall, however, remain valid.

3. Any three members may with the permission of the President/founding chair, requisition a meeting of the Council. The Secretary-General may with the permission of the President/founding chair requisition an extra-ordinary meeting of the council. Notwithstanding anything in Article III, Section I of the Bylaws, the permission of the President/founding chair shall be necessary for convening such meetings. 10 days notice shall be required for an extra-ordinary meeting.

4. Every meeting of the Council shall be presided over by the President, in his absence by the Vice-President, in absence of both by the President-elect and in the absence of all three by a member chosen at the meeting.

5. In case a Council member or Office bearer resigns or is unable to serve, the Council may co-opt another Fellow. Such co-option shall be valid only up till the next elections. The council shall be competent to act in spite of any vacancy.

6. A Council member or Office bearer shall be considered as “Unable to Serve” for the purpose of Section 5 above, if he intends to.

7. Written comments of absent members may be considered at the Council but all questions shall be determined by the members present.

Article IV: Election of Office Bearers & Council Members

1. The Secretary General shall solicit nominations for election of office bearers and Council members. Each nomination must be proposed by one and seconded by another eligible voting member and contain consent of the nominee in writing. All nominations must be received by a date determined by the Council. Ballots shall be mailed to the voting members at least forty-five days before the Annual General Body meeting.
2. Voting shall be by secret postal ballot only. The votes must be received by the Returning Officer at least fifteen days before the Annual General Body meeting.
3. If no nomination has been received for a particular post, by the due date, the Council shall be authorized to elect a Fellow to the post. The Fellow, thus elected shall hold office for one year.
4. One year in office shall be from the day immediately following an annual conference to the last day of the next annual conference.

Article V: Committees

1. The constitutional committees shall serve under the supervision of the Council and shall perform such duties as prescribed by the Council.
2. The Programme Committee, unless otherwise decided by the Council, shall have total responsibility and authority over arrangements and content of the scientific programme of the annual conference.
3. The Election Committee, unless otherwise decided by the Council, shall be authorized to scrutinize and reject nominations received for the general elections and shall be responsible for conducting the elections under the guidance of the Returning Officer.
4. Ethics Committee shall enquire and investigate instances of unethical conduct by the members, and shall recommend to the Council appropriate action under Article II, Section 2 of the Bylaws. It shall also advise the Editor in matters of unethical advertisement.
5. The Council shall be competent to replace any individual as Chairman or member of a Committee for good and sufficient reasons.

Article VI: Annual Conference

1. Those desirous of inviting the annual conference may address their invitation to the Secretary-General. The Secretary-General shall solicit invitations from all members of the Society and shall keep a list of pending invitations.

2. The Council shall determine the venue and dates of the annual conference. The Council may consult the General Body in this matter and elicit their wishes.

3. The person or persons inviting the Conference shall form a reception or organizing committee and shall elect its own office-bearers, one of whom shall be designated as the Organizing-Secretary. The Organizing-Secretary shall be responsible to the Secretary-General and the Council as regards the local arrangements.

4. The reception/organizing committee and Organizing-Secretary shall be responsible for (i) arranging accommodation and food for the delegates, (ii) arranging halls, rooms and audio-visual aids for the meeting, scientific session etc., (iii) printing a summary booklet of the scientific papers, printing of the detailed programme, and routine stenographic assistance, (iv) arranging for a suitable dignitary (with the approval of the Secretary-General) to inaugurate the Conference, and (v) arranging social and culture functions and sight-seeing, if they so wish.

5. The registration fee and banquet charges for members shall be fixed by the Council.

6. The Organizing-Secretary of the organizing or reception committee shall not send any invitations to national dignitaries, foreign societies and government agencies at the Centre. All such invitations shall be sent by the President/Founding chairs or the Secretary-General. The Organizing-Secretary, however, may invite, with the permission of the Secretary-General, local dignitaries and individuals other than the above to attend the Conference.

Article XVII: Amendments

Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be handled in the same manner as amendments to the Constitution, except that approval by a majority of at least 40 percent of the eligible voting members shall be required for adoption.


Any member not less than 3/5th of the members present at the meeting convened for the purpose, may determine that the Society shall be dissolved. If, on the dissolution of the Society, there shall remain after the satisfaction of its debts and liabilities, any property what-so-ever, the same shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Society or any of them but shall be given to some other Society having similar objects.

Certified to be a true copy of the Rules and Regulation of the Society.
